Infix to Prefix converter | Best online tool

Infix to Prefix converter



Step by step Evaluation for expression

  • 1. Reversed string:   
  • 2. Postfix of :     (see table)
  • 3. Reversed string of :   



Step by step Evaluation for expression

Step by Step Evaluation for postfix expression

Input StringOutput StackOperator Stack

An infix expression is a type of arithmetic expression that is written using the standard notation for operators (e.g. “*” for multiplication, “+” for addition). On the other hand, a prefix expression is a type of arithmetic expression in which the operator symbols come before the operands (numbers).

Here is an example of an infix expression and its equivalent prefix expression:

Infix: 2 + 3 Prefix: + 2 3

To convert an infix expression to a prefix expression, you can use the following steps:

  1. Reverse the infix expression
  2. Replace all occurrences of “(” with “)” and all occurrences of “)” with “(“
  3. Convert the reversed infix expression to a postfix expression using the steps outlined in my previous response
  4. Reverse the postfix expression to obtain the prefix expression

In the realm of computer science and programming, the conversion of mathematical expressions from one format to another is a fundamental skill. One such conversion is from infix notation to prefix notation. This article will explore various aspects of the infix to prefix conversion process, including online tools, programming examples, and step-by-step methods.

Understanding Notations

Before diving into the conversion process, it’s essential to understand the different notations:

  1. Infix Notation: The operator is placed between the operands (e.g., A + B).
  2. Prefix Notation: The operator precedes the operands (e.g., + A B).
  3. Postfix Notation: The operator follows the operands (e.g., A B +).

Infix notation is the most common way of writing expressions, but prefix (also known as Polish notation) has its advantages, particularly in computer science, such as eliminating the need for parentheses.

Why Convert Infix to Prefix?

Converting infix to prefix can simplify the evaluation of expressions in programming languages, compilers, and calculators. Prefix notation allows for easier parsing and evaluation of expressions without the need for operator precedence rules.

Using an Infix to Prefix Converter Online

For those who prefer a quick solution, an infix to prefix converter online can be a handy tool. These web-based applications allow users to input infix expressions and receive the corresponding prefix output instantly. This is especially useful for students and programmers who want to verify their manual conversions or learn through examples.

Stack-Based Conversion Algorithm

One of the most efficient methods for converting infix to prefix is the infix to prefix conversion using stack algorithm. This method utilizes a stack data structure to handle operators and parentheses, ensuring the correct order of operations is maintained.

Step-by-Step Infix to Prefix Conversion

  1. Reverse the Infix Expression: Start by reversing the infix expression. For example, the expression “A + B” becomes “B + A”.
  2. Replace Parentheses: Swap the opening and closing parentheses. For instance, “(A + B)” becomes “)B + A(”.
  3. Convert to Postfix: Use the stack algorithm to convert the modified expression to postfix notation. This step involves using a stack to hold operators and manage precedence.
  4. Reverse the Postfix Expression: Finally, reverse the postfix expression to obtain the prefix notation.

Example of Infix to Prefix Conversion

Let’s consider an infix to prefix converter example with the expression:

Infix: (A + B) * C

  1. Reverse: C * (B + A)
  2. Change Parentheses: C * )B + A(
  3. Convert to Postfix: The postfix of “C * (B + A)” is “C B A + *”.
  4. Reverse Postfix: The final prefix expression is “* C + A B”.

Implementing Infix to Prefix Conversion in Programming

Infix to Prefix Conversion in C

Here’s a simple implementation of an infix to prefix converter in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define MAX 100

char stack[MAX];
int top = -1;

void push(char c) {
stack[++top] = c;

char pop() {
return stack[top--];

int precedence(char c) {
switch(c) {
case '+':
case '-':
return 1;
case '*':
case '/':
return 2;
case '^':
return 3;
return 0;

void infixToPrefix(char* infix, char* prefix) {
// Logic for conversion

int main() {
char infix[MAX], prefix[MAX];
printf("Enter infix expression: ");
scanf("%s", infix);
infixToPrefix(infix, prefix);
printf("Prefix expression: %s\n", prefix);
return 0;

Infix to Prefix Conversion in Java

In Java, the conversion can be implemented similarly:

import java.util.Stack;

public class InfixToPrefix {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String infix = "(A + B) * C";
String prefix = convertToPrefix(infix);
System.out.println("Prefix expression: " + prefix);

static String convertToPrefix(String infix) {
// Logic for conversion
return "";

Infix to Prefix Conversion Code in Python

For Python enthusiasts, here’s a concise example of infix to prefix conversion code in Python:

def precedence(op):
if op in ('+', '-'):
return 1
if op in ('*', '/'):
return 2
return 0

def infix_to_prefix(expression):
# Logic for conversion
return ""

infix = "(A + B) * C"
prefix = infix_to_prefix(infix)
print("Prefix expression:", prefix)


The infix to prefix conversion is an essential concept in data structures and algorithms. Whether you use an infix to prefix converter online, implement it in programming languages like C, Java, or Python, or understand the step-by-step process, mastering this conversion will enhance your problem-solving skills in computer science. With practice and the right resources, you can easily navigate through various infix to prefix examples and become proficient in this vital area of study.

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