Infix to Prefix converter | Best online tool

Infix to Prefix converter



Step by step Evaluation for expression

  • 1. Reversed string:   
  • 2. Postfix of :     (see table)
  • 3. Reversed string of :   



Step by step Evaluation for expression

Step by Step Evaluation for postfix expression

Input StringOutput StackOperator Stack

An infix expression is a type of arithmetic expression that is written using the standard notation for operators (e.g. “*” for multiplication, “+” for addition). On the other hand, a prefix expression is a type of arithmetic expression in which the operator symbols come before the operands (numbers).

Here is an example of an infix expression and its equivalent prefix expression:

Infix: 2 + 3 Prefix: + 2 3

To convert an infix expression to a prefix expression, you can use the following steps:

  1. Reverse the infix expression
  2. Replace all occurrences of “(” with “)” and all occurrences of “)” with “(“
  3. Convert the reversed infix expression to a postfix expression using the steps outlined in my previous response
  4. Reverse the postfix expression to obtain the prefix expression

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