Potential Energy Calculator

Potential Energy


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Potential Energy:

Decimal Place

This Potential Energy Calculator enables you to calculate the Potential Energy of any object. Potential energy is a form of stored energy. Potential energy can be defined as the energy contained by an object due to its position in a field such as electricity or gravity.

How to Calculate Potential Energy

To calculate gravitational potential energy, use the formula:

Potential Energy = mgh (m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity, h = height). Potential energy is dependent upon the weight of an object and how high it is above the ground or other reference point. Potential energy can be caused by objects that are not necessarily in contact with each other; for example clouds held up by air pressure against the earth. Potential energy can also be stored as kinetic energy because objects are moving in a particular direction. Potential energy is measured in Joules (J). Potential Energy Examples : Calculate the potential energy of an object on top of a 10 metre high cliff

Calculate the potential energy when a 4 kg weight drops from rest through 6 metres (which approximates a free fall). Potential Energy and Potential Force Potential energy can also be related to a force in much the same way that kinetic energy is. Potential energy and potential force are terms which are often used interchangeably. Potential force can be defined as the amount of work required to move an object from rest at one position, over or against a particular field of force to a final position where it is at rest in an opposing field. Potential energy can be said to do work if the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy at some point. Potential Energy Potential Energy involves objects that are held up by air pressure against the earth, like clouds or windmills. Potential Energy Calculator Calculate Potential Energy Potential energy is the stored energy of an object in a gravitational field. Potential Energy Calculator Potential Energy Calculator

What are Potential and Kinetic energies?

Potential Energy (or Potential force) is the energy contained within a system by virtue of its position or state. Potential energy can be stored as kinetic energy (motion) which will take place when kinetic energy is used to perform work. Potential energy is the energy of position, and has no motion associated with it. It results in potential force being stored up due to the arrangement of certain objects or bodies. Potential Energy can be defined as: Potential Energy = Potential Force x Distance from reference point

Questions that might be asked:

What is Potential Energy?

Potential energy (or Potential force) is the stored energy of an object in a gravitational field.

What is Potential Force?

Potential force can be defined as the amount of work required to move an object from rest at one position, over or against a particular field of force to a final position where it is at rest in an opposing field. Potential energy can be said to do work if the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy at some point.

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