Binary to Decimal Calculator
Binary to Decimal Calculator Enter Binary Answer:
LCM Calculator of 3 numbers Enter X Enter Y Enter Z Answer: Factors and multiple: If a number divides another number is exactly then the number which divides them is called a factor of the number and the number that has been divided is known as the multiple of that number Example 2 and 5
LCM Calculator of 3 Numbers | Definition | Methods Read More »
LCM Calculator X Y Answer: Factors and multiple: If a number divides another number is exactly then the number which divides them is called a factor of the number and the number that has been divided is known as the multiple of that number Example 2 and 5 are factors of 10 and 10 is
Least Common Multiple calculator | Definition | Methods Read More »
Area of a trapezoid Area x Base 1: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Base 2: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Height: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Definition of a Trapezoid A trapezoid is a flat closed shape having four straight sides which cover some area and also has a perimeter. In some other parts of the world, trapezoids are called Trapezium. A trapezoid has two parallel sides,
Sphere Volume and Area Volume x Surface Area x Radius: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm
Rectangular Tank Volume x Length: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Width: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Height: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm
Parallelogram Area Area x Perimeter x Side x Base: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Height: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm
Ellipse Area Area x Semi MajorAxes: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Semi MinorAxes: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm
Cylinder Volume x Base Area x Surface Area x Radius: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Height: ftinmetermileydkmcmmmμmnm Decimal Place upto 2upto 3upto 4upto 5upto 6upto 7upto 8