kwh calculator cost

Electricity Cost

Cost for 30 DaysXXXX
Cost for 31 DaysXXXX
Usage for 30 DaysXXXX
Usage for 31 DaysXXXX


Daily Usage:


Cost per kWh*:

Decimal Place
*Cost per kWh in India: ~₹5 *Cost per kWh in USA: ~$0.12 *Cost per kWh in UK: ~£0.12

Usage per 31 days = 31 × ' + kwh.toFixed(2) + ' = ' + totalkwhm.toFixed(2) + ' kWh

'; document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; }function default_style() { document.getElementById("firstnumber").value = ''; document.getElementById("diff").value = ''; document.getElementById("nth").value = ''; document.getElementById('e').innerHTML = "XXXX"; document.getElementById('steps').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('x').innerHTML = "XXXX"; document.getElementById('y').innerHTML = "XXXX"; document.getElementById('z').innerHTML = "XXXX"; document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; }function formatNumber(num) { var n1, n2; num = num + '' || ''; // works for integer and floating as well n1 = num.split('.'); n2 = n1[1] || null; n1 = n1[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d)+\d$)/g, "$1,"); num = n2 ? n1 + '.' + n2 : n1; return num; }

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